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 For the release of Vivify, we decided to hold a live event to increase hype for the mod. To facillitate this, I developed Synapse. Synapse is a Beat Saber mod that connects to a game server for chatting, leaderboards, and synchronized play.

 Synapse is my first foray into networking at scale. For the project, I programmed both a Beat Saber mod and a game server backend. Through the server, the host/coordinators can moderate the lobby chat and leaderboards, as well as synchronously start maps for clients. Players can interact and compete with each other in real time.

 The first event held using Synapse was Extra Sensory II, the sequel to the original Extra Sensory event and the culmination of hundreds of hours of programming and the efforts of multiple mappers. For a detailed analysis for the chart I created, see 42-flux.

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A lobby powered by Synapse